LI KWONG AGENCIES CO is a Singapore company, located in BLK 12 HOUGANG AVE 7; #01-461. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: LI KWONG AGENCIES COCountry: SingaporeAddress: BLK 12 HOUGANG AVE 7; #01-461International Area Code: 65Phone: 62879974 (+65-62879974)Fax: 62898125 (+65-62898125)Category Activities: FRUITS and VEGETABLES-WHSLEArea: HougangIndustry: Fruits And Vegetables-Whsle More Links LAM KEE SEONG TOW GAY MERCHANT LAW SONG NAM VEGETABLE MERCHANT LI KWONG AGENCIES CO LIAN HUP CO (1978) PTE LTD LIM CHUAN LEONG CO ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments